
Character Artist & Illustrator

Hi there thanks for stopping by! My name is Noor, you might know me as Nae. I'm an aspiring digital artist I like painting characters and expressive portraits.

Commissions info

Hi there! If you're interested in commissioning me, you came to the right place!

What do I draw?

I will draw

  • You and your friends/ family

  • Your oc

  • Fantacy characters

  • Fan art

I will not draw

  • NSFW

  • Landscapes

  • Cars/ Tech/ Mech


Head Shot
Price starts: 15 USD

Price starts: 25 USD

Half Body
Price starts: 35 USD

Knee Up
Price starts: 45 USD

Full Body
Price starts: 60 USD

Extra Elements

  • Extra character= 80% of the original price (up to maximum of 3 characters per artwork)

  • Extra complicated accessories, squishy, fantacy features (such as wings, tail, extra eyes, fangs, horns etc.) = 5 - 10 USD

  • Pets= 50% of the original price

  • Adding background = 5 - 10 USD depends on complixty and level of detail.

  • Adding dramatic lighting/ Glow effect= 5 USD (Sunlight/ moonlight/ led/ neon etc.)

All commissions come with standard Sold/ Simple gradient background
You will receive a 4K PNG file through email once artwork is finished and payment is confirmed
Please note that the sample artwork listed does not include the full price for the added (lighting effect/ pets/ extra characters/ fantacy elements/ complicated accessories/ background.. etc.)

Wanna place your commission order?

To place your commission order, please fill in the below form with the required info
Once you fill the form I will contact you back with in 24-72 hours with the final price of your commission for approval. Once approved I will request your payment to start working on your commission

Click the below button to be redirected to the order form

or you can send me an email with your commission details with subject "Commission"

Commission Order Template

Please copy the below template and answer in email

What would you like me to draw?
(You / Your friend / Family/ Your OC / have a character concept/ Fan Art/ Fantacy/ DND Other..)
Your request:
Please leave a short description about the character
(Like their age, characteristics, something special about them, birthmarks, piercings, tattoos.. etc.)
Your request:
Type of commission
(Head shot/ Bust/ Half body/ Knee up/ Full body)
Your request:
How many characters? (1-3)
Your request:
Do you want dramatic light effect? Yes/No If yes, please clarify what lighting effect do you want
(Sunlight, moon light, led, fire, neon, glow, etc.)
Your request:
Please attach your references as many as you wish
Please include any requested pose, specific hairstyle, specific outfit, accessories or any references you might find useful for me to ensure the best outcome
Your Name:

If you wanna see more of my art
Checkout any of the below platforms